Sunday, May 15, 2011

Everyday The Grace of God Abides with Us Still

What grace we have that everyday is a blessing

We get up everyday without a thought or care in the world a lot of us and have a go at the world and we get to be alright, be safe, have a few smiles, laugh, get irritated at a few people or two
and then our day comes to an end, we sleep and forget a lot of the time without a care in the world.

Its all by his grace that abides with us still,
and so on behalf of one and all I give thanks with a grateful heart

May the grace and peace of our lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the sweet and unending love of  God and the fellowship of the holy spirit abide with us all and stay gracious to us now and always.

Inume patri et filio et spiritum sanctum amen

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